Introducing SOC

At SOC, we are committed to providing quality medical insurance services for all your organization's needs. Leading experts in healthcare systems and medical/dental/LTC coverage, medical check-ups, EAP plans, and more, specializing in creating, initiating, and executing exclusive insurance plans, to match the customer needs and expectations.
Contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our experts.

person in black long sleeve shirt holding persons hand
person in black long sleeve shirt holding persons hand

Our mission

Group health insurance is an important and central element in the perception of organizational welfare, and occupies a central place in the employee's perception of his workplace.

To maximize your organization's achievements and guarantee your employees the best coverage, in any budget structure you determine, SOC's experts will provide you with project or ongoing consulting to achieve the organizational goals and strengthen the welfare strategy.

Our vision

"One-Size-Fits-All" may work in other places but not in medical coverage. Every person is unique. Every employee is unique. Every employer is unique.

Boutique customized service to our clients, providing the coverage they need, to the employees they cherish, and eventually, above all, providing them the right medical coverage that may save lives and support their well-being.

This is what we're here for. Here for you.

Shay Ofaz, Founder

"My in-depth knowledge of the world of insurance, and my work in the public health system in various management positions, together with my legal training, give the organizations I consult to, a significant advantage, which is reflected in the adaptation of a dedicated and unique insurance plan to each organization according to its characteristics and the concept of organizational welfare.

My professional experience, based on the time I worked in the public service, together with management positions in leading medical insurance providers, specializing in both individual and group coverage, gives me deeper insights and perspectives than professionals who only worked in the insurance/private medical services world, only.

Our market-leading consulting services to leading employers provide our customers with a more substantial, deeper, and professional consulting service, and at the end of the day achieves better results for our clients."